Why CEOs Now Need Experts on Human Capital Management and an Enterprise Approach to Engagement.

- ICEE is the only independent organization dedicated to helping organizations profit from ISO standards to engage all stakeholders in their organizational misssion.
- Dozens of independent studies confirm that organizations with a CEO-led strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders outperform those that don’t.
- Nearly $70 trillion in investment capital is now being directed at public companies with strategic, CEO-led plans to engage all stakeholders.

The International Organization of Standardization now requires formal CEO-led people management strategies that connect all stakeholders in 60 standards, including ISO 9001 quality people management and ISO 45001 safety management and has created the first formal standards (ISO 30414) for the disclosure of human capital investments, ISO 10018 for People Engagement, ISO 30415 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and others for human resources management.

Enterprise Engagement and Annex SL, ISO 30414, ISO 10018, ISO 30415 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and other new ISO human resources standards and certifications are based on the premise that a strategic and systematic approach to engaging people can lower costs and improve efficiency and morale in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. ICEE certifications also include ISO 30401 knowledge management.

ICEE helps organizations improve performance, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and stakeholder experiences through application of ISO 30414 human capital disclosures, 10018 People Engagement, ISO 30415 DEI and other ISO HR standards. We offer access to advisory services, certification, learning opportunities, and special offers from engagement events and solution providers. ICEE was founded by the team who created and led the first ISO working group for human capital standards.
The ISO 10018 quality people management and ISO 30414 human capital disclosure, and four other ISO human resources certifications are produced by the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE), which is run by Dr. Ron B. McKinley and Lee S. Webster, world-recognized leaders in standards creation and management, and creators of the first ISO working group for human capital standards.

Become an Enterprise Engagement Alliance member to obtain professional certifications in ISO 30414 human capital disclosures, IS0 10018 quality people management and four ISO other standards to help your organization or clients lead the way to better, more sustainable performance and to enhance your career and effectiveness.

Learn how an ISO 10018 quality people management certification or certifications in ISO 30414 human capital management disclosures, ISO 30401 knowledge management, ISO 30405 recruitment, ISO 30409 workforce management, or ISO 10667 assessment can help your organization increase sales and talent recruitment, improve performance and enhance experiences.

No matter where you live or work in the world, become an Enterprise Engagement Advisor for free to gain access to useful information, special offers, referral fees and commissions for solution providers, when appropriate, from leading engagement events and solution providers around the globe. Or search the EEXAdvisors.com web site to find solution providers for your organization.
Learn the essentials of and benefit from Enterprise Engagement, Annex SL, ISO 30414 human capital disclosure and ISO 10018 quality people management standards and discover four additional HR standards that can help any organization improve outcomes. Learn the benefits of publishing a Corporate Responsibility or Sustainability Report for your organization and clients. Start the path toward enhanced performance and better experiences for all stakeholders through the application of Enterprise Engagement, ISO HR standards, and ISO 10018 quality people management practices.
Created for Management in:

All areas of business, government and not-for-profit organizations around the globe seeking a more systematic way to engage all the people critical to organizational success.

Firms that provide full-service or tactical engagement services in all areas of engagement, including leadership coaching, assessment, communications, learning, innovation and collaboration, rewards and recognition, analytics and more.

Any organization that can benefit by earning ISO Certification in a field of high appeal to investors, communities, customers, employees, vendors and volunteers.

Types of IS0 Human Capital Certifications
ISO Certifications for for Employers in every economic domain seeking to increase profits, customer and employee retention, productivity, quality, well-being and more by profiting from five ISO human capital standards.
ISO Certifications for Solution Providers including quality auditors, certifiers and developers, as well as suppliers of branding, leadership training and coaching; recruitment; assessment; learning; innovation and collaboration; community building; rewards and recognition; analytics; and more.
ICEE now runs monthly courses for ICEE members consisting of four one-hour webinar classes on the basics on Enterprise Engagement and preparation for the ISO professional certifications in ISO 30414 and ISO 10018, with more to come. Register for free or join our Linked in group to attend an introductory session at no cost. In addition, ICEE has launched a series of ISO Human Capital Standards “bootcamps,” the first sponsored by Northwestern University Law School’s Workforce Science Project in Chicago, March 12-13, 2020. Click here for information and to register.
ICEE provides five basic services to help organizations profit from ISO human capital standards and ISO 10018 certification.
- Professional Certifications. The Certified Engagement and Advanced Engagement Practitioner programs leading to professional ISO 10018 certification for auditors, certifiers, and developers, as well as certifications in ISO human resources standards available nowhere else: ISO 30414 human capital disclosures, ISO 30401 knowledge management, and ISO 10667 assessment service delivery.
- Training. Books, monthly webinars, and regional events for all levels of expertise.
- ISO 10018 Certifications. ICEE is the first organization to create ISO 10018 quality people management certifications to employers, solution providers, and Enterprise Engagement technology platforms needed to support connected human capital practices.
- Advisory Services. Gap analysis and related advisory services for health care and organizations seeking to become ISO 10018 certified or to become ISO 10018 auditors/certifiers, seeking to conduct HR audits or to publish Sustainability Reports.
- Enterprise Engagement Advocates. Register for free or Join the Enterprise Engagement Linked in group to receive ongoing access to extensive resources, research, case studies, profiles, discounts for education in all areas of engagement.