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ISO Human Capital Certifications and Audits

The people who helped organize the first working group to create ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards for human resources management now provide the first certification for and audits based on those standards. The first ISO HR standards available for certification are:

  • ISO 10018, quality people management
  • ISO 10667, assessment services delivery
  • ISO 30401 knowledge management
  • ISO 30409 workforce planning, and
  • ISO 30414 guidelines for internal and external capital reporting.

Organizations can use these new standards to benchmark effective practices. HR professionals can become certified in each standard to conduct such audits on behalf of their organizations or clients.

Certifications and audits are provided by Dr. McKinley and Lee Webster. Together, they led the creation of the first ISO HR 260 working group that created the human resources standards and served as administrators for all these standards until 2019.

Click here for a prospectus detailing all certification, training, and audit costs.

ISO10018 Certified Quality People Management